1、We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.
2、When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.
3、These are the principles upon which every act of free man should be traced, in any Age.
4、He has waged a fierce war against every fortification that offered to throw obstacles in the way of his ambitions.
5、The Declaration of Independence is a fundamental principle of American democracy.
6、We are now free and we will be free until we do not remain so.
7、The measure of the freedom of a people is the number of men who are prepared to lay down their lives for its defense.
8、The path to liberty is not always smooth, but it is always worth walking.
9、The Declaration of Independence reminds us that our rights are not granted by kings or presidents, but by God's hand and by our own actions.
10、The right of revolution is a right that all people have to protect their natural rights and their country's future.
11、The United States shall not be made a half-free or slave state.
12、All power is inherently in the people, and that it must be held at the bare breast or crushed into obedience like some curse'd calf out-edicated before both son and maker... forever refused... rescued to contain rebellion until slaves that no more have the faintest glimmer of a future than an egg from hell can ever see a golden one!
13、The whole people are justly impowered to alter or abolish the form of their government when they find it necessary to do so for the common good.
14、We are one nation under God with freedom, equality, and justice for all individuals without privilege or exclusion, irrespective of birthplace, background, color, gender, belief or politics... united not as states, but as ONE united country in just harmony under equal freedom with opportunity to reach greatness... NO Tyrant here nor hate based authority but GOD here at all times making progress a grand necessities towards greatness for all...
15、These are the days of redemption for all people in all corners of the world!