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文字旅人3周前 (03-05)经典句子30

Sure, here are some classic lines from "Wuthering Heights" (often translated and referred to as "呼啸山庄"):

1、I can stay for love and only for love, a year million years!


2、He doesn't stay. That's where all of the other lovers, those I knew and could love, belong - in the past.


3、Life is so much easier with you than without you.


4、Love is a madness, and the greatest of all madnesses.


5、Is it better to be a warrior at war with oneself or to be the servant of one's fate?


6、And will we know when to face death and claim that life is just an adventure for a hero?


7、Is a beautiful world to be in if we can't live with those we love?


8、Life's battles are fought by all those who believe that life has meaning, not just those who survive.


9、Our thoughts and memories will not fade; they are a part of our soul and will forever be a part of our lives.


10、Love is like a fire, but whether it is going to warm or burn you depends on how you tend it.






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