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Here are 14 classic sentences from 1984 in English:

1、"It was a bright, clear night. But who was to say what was really happening in the dark?"

2、"Freedom is the right to be wrong."

3、"In a world where you can't trust your own thoughts, you can only believe what you're told."

4、"In the past, when I thought about freedom, I thought about the birds. Now I think about the cage."

5、"You know that if you're not a part of the system, you're the problem."

6、"The truth is not a thing that can be told. It's a kind of feeling."

7、"The more that they are told, the less they will know."

8、"The only way to get through this life is to lose yourself in it."

9、"The Party always wins in the end. That's how it is with all tyrants."

10、"The truth is out there, but it's not always easy to find."

11、"In this world, there are no coincidences. Even those seemingly coincidental things have deeper layers of meaning and purposes."

12、"Fight for what is right even when everyone seems to agree with what's wrong."

13、"They didn't hear a thousand cries, just the sound of a broken revolution."

14、"Silence has its own voice, and it's a powerful one."

These are some of the classic lines from 1984 that capture the essence of the dystopian world and the themes of control, manipulation, and the importance of individual freedom.




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