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文字旅人1个月前 (02-16)申请书40

Claim Application Form

I hereby apply for compensation in the case where (state the event/situation for which compensation is being requested), as a result of (mention the cause that led to the claim).

Personal Information

Name: (Your Full Name)

Address: (Your Address)

Contact Number: (Your Contact Number)

Email Address: (Your Email Address)

Claim Details

Date of Incident: (Date of the event/situation)

Location of Incident: (Location of the event/situation)

Description of Claim: (Provide a brief description of the claim, including what happened, who was involved, and any relevant details)

Reason for Claim

I am writing this claim application to seek compensation for (describe the losses or damages incurred, such as financial losses, personal injuries, etc.). I firmly believe that (provide details to support your claim, such as evidence or witnesses) and that the responsible party should be held accountable. My request for compensation is reasonable and justifed.

Details of Loss/Damage

In terms of my losses/damages incurred as a result of this situation, the following specific details can be stated. I suffered direct monetary losses/material damage/personal injuries that I request compensation for:

(Monetary losses and amounts - provide details of any financial losses incurred, such as medical expenses, repair costs, etc.)

(Material damage - if applicable, provide details of any damaged property and its value)

(Personal injuries - describe the extent and impact of your personal injuries on you and your daily life, such as the type of medical attention you've had, necessary lifestyle adjustments or aids due to injury)

These damages were primarily a result of negligence in duty and insufficient efforts towards avoiding damages by the responsible party. I am seeking compensation for these losses and damages.

Evidence and Witnesses

I have gathered relevant evidence and witnesses to support my claim. This includes:

(Provide details of any evidence collected, such as photos, videos, medical records, police reports, etc.)

(List any relevant witnesses' names, contact details and provide their role in supporting your claim. Also note whether there is a reason for any absence or potential impartiality on this behalf. It could also be mentioned that no relevant witness was found but the circumstances will still support the claim)

Reasonable Compensation Amount

Based on my losses/damages and considering the circumstances surrounding this incident, I am requesting a reasonable compensation amount of (specify an amount). This amount is calculated based on my actual losses and is not an unreasonable or excessive request. I believe that this amount is justifiable and fair given the circumstances.


I kindly request that you consider my claim for compensation seriously and process it promptly. I am confident that my claim is valid and justifed. I am willing to provide any further information or evidence that may be required to support my claim. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


(Your Full Name)

(Your Signature)


This claim application should be written in a clear, concise and formal manner. It should include all relevant details and evidence to support your claim. Remember to proofread your application before submitting it to ensure it is grammatically correct and easy to understand.





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