1、English Version: 心中空荡,只剩下回忆的余音。
Translation: 心中空空如也,只剩下回忆的余音回荡。
2、I wish I could forget all the pain.
Translation: 我希望我能忘记所有的痛苦。
3、Sadness fills my heart, like a dark cloud.
Translation: 悲伤充满我的心,就像一片乌云。
4、The memories we shared are now just a distant echo.
Translation: 我们曾共享的记忆如今只是遥远的回音。
5、My heart is broken, and there's no fixing it.
Translation: 我的心碎了,无法修复。
6、The past is gone, and the present holds nothing for me.
Translation: 过去已逝去,现在对我来说什么也不是。
7、There's a lonely feeling inside me that no one can understand.
Translation: 我内心的孤独感无人能懂。
8、My tears are a silent language of my pain.
Translation: 我的眼泪是我痛苦的沉默语言。
9、The world seems so empty without you in it.
Translation: 没有你的世界似乎如此空虚。
10、I can't seem to let go of the past, even though I know it hurts.
Translation: 尽管我知道这很痛苦,但我似乎无法释怀过去。
11、The memories we made are now just a fading light in the distance.
Translation: 我们曾创造的记忆如今只是远方渐行渐远的灯光。
12、I'm drowning in my own sadness, and no one can save me.
Translation: 我正沉溺于自己的悲伤中,无人能救我。
13、The raindrops are tears of the sky, and my heart is crying with them.
Translation: 雨滴是天空的眼泪,我的心与它们一起哭泣。