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文字旅人5个月前 (06-13)伤感句子34

1、Life is a sadness without any sense.

2、Time flies, and time leaves us all alone.

3、Life is like a desert, endless and lonely.

4、Love is a dream that never comes true.

5、Pain is a memory that never leaves.

6、Hope is a rose that has lost its fragrance.

7、Heartache is like a broken promise.

8、Life is like a puzzle with missing pieces.

9、Time is a healer, but it also erases.

10、Love has left me empty, and life has become meaningless.

11、Sorrow lingers in the heart, leaving a scar that never fades.

12、Pain is a sharp sword that cuts through my soul.

13、Life is like a book without a happy ending.

14、The memories of our love will forever haunt me.

15、Time passes by, but the pain remains forever.




标签: isthatLife

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