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文字旅人9个月前 (06-20)伤感句子60

1、Sometimes my sadness is so great that I wonder how I am still alive. 有时候我深深的悲伤甚至让我怀疑自己的生存意义。

2、To all of you who tried to keep me from falling: Thank you. I fell. 谢谢所有让我不至于摔跤的人,我确实摔跤了。

3、She knew how beautiful she was. Even in tears she was lovely. 她知道自己有多美,甚至在落泪之时,也仍旧美得不可方物。

4、Remember me still into our next time with thoughts like leaves; Keep every violet glancing glimmers we in Autumn cloistered caught shy joy gently angled climb teased twig dancing,谨记我们的相识,那一段纸墨胭脂的时光。

5、Nothing could be better for relaxation after work. 有花草的地方无疑就是工作之后最好的去处了。

6、Remember you once said loved me too? 但是还记得你说过喜欢我可是不晓得还记得几分呢?

7、The best way to predict tomorrow is to create it。 预测明天的最佳方式就是创造它。

8、The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart,世界上最好的美都不用眼睛去看而是用心去体会。

9、True greatness is moving behind speech but cannot possibly fit within any linguistic circumference a union both fleeting and priceless-attitude。(一切不能理解的境界都是有真正和有美而且有了的话就没有句子绝命产业成一个不值得定价战术的人才有很多幻想住重身体$)梦想的控制可以的存活爱的价位)。

10、If you want to understand your pain, you need to understand your privilege,如果你想了解你的痛苦,你需要了解你的特权。




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